Hung Thinh Corp awarded “Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam 2017”

Hung Thinh Corp News

On January 19th, 2018, Hung Thinh Corp was honored in the "VNR500 Ranking - Top 500 Largest Enterprises in Vietnam 2017 ".

As one of the most prestigious real estate enterprises in Vietnam, Hung Thinh has made impressive strides in all aspects when investing in over 30 projects spread across provinces and cities throughout the country. Thanks to the advantage of the comprehensive supply chain and consistent with the core business strategy to meet the practical needs, Hung Thinh Corp’s products always gain customers’ trust and are well received. After 15 years of operation, Hung Thinh Group has become one of the leading real estate developers in Vietnam and is listed in the Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam in 2017 (ranked 385 / 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam).

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hung - representative of Hung Thinh Corp, is receiving the award from the Organizing Committee and taking a photo with other winners

The certificate of Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam 2017


Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam is the annual award held by Vietnamnet in collaboration with Vietnam Report Corporation (Vietnam Report) to honor enterprises that contribute to the development of the economy of Vietnam and promote their brand names to domestic and international business communities. With strong and consistent growth over the past years, Hung Thinh Corp has been listed in the Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam in 2017.