Hung Thinh Incons awarded certificate of Top 10 QAS Enterprises 2017

Hung Thinh Corp News

On June 24th, 2007, at the International Conference of Vietnam Enterprises, with the theme of Innovation in Quality, Hung Thinh Incons was awarded the International Independent Certificate of "Top 10 QAS Enterprises 2017".

The certification ceremony was held at the Southern Military Theater

Quality Assurance System (QAS) is a certification of the International Standard of Quality (ISO 9001) awarded by the Asia Pacific Quality Consortium under the consultation and supervision of the InterConformity International Certification Consortium (Federal Republic of Germany - Europe) and Global GTA. Those enterprises which meet the required standards will be given a confirmation code and a link to the website of GTA Foundation and its 139 member countries.

The objectives of the certification are to support enterprises to improve their competitiveness; recognize their efforts in management activities and continuously improving the quality of products and services; build up government-oriented vision and strategy; consult enterprises in developing the procedures in accordance with the current international standards; position quality-oriented brands which meet international economic integration’s requirements.

Mr. Tran Minh Khue - Vice President of Asia Pacific Quality Association (APQ - Union) delivers the opening speech.


To attain the Top 10 Quality Assurance Enterprises - QAS 2017, Hung Thinh Incons has successfully implemented the management process and responds favorably to the five core criteria of the program: input control; capacity for innovation; exclusive label; quality assurance policy and process management.

After more than 10 years of establishment and development, Hung Thinh Incons has been the general contractor of over 20 projects spreading across the country. The company continuously applies quality assurance procedures in project development processes, always maintaining and improving the business management system fulfilling sustainable development criteria.

Mr. Huynh Thanh Tu – Permanent Deputy Genneral Director of Hung Thinh Incons
receives the Medal and Certificate from Prof. James Christopher Leahy - Senior Lecturer
of Eastern International University, Global Strategic Advisor

Certificates and Medals of the Top 10 QAS Enterprises 2017

The awarded enterprises and the organizers of the ceremony