Hung Thinh Incons successfully organizes The unusual general meeting of shareholders of 2017

Hung Thinh Corp News

On November 5, 2017, at the Capella Gallery Convention Center, Hung Thinh Incons, a member of Hung Thinh Group, successfully organized the unusual general meeting of shareholders in 2017.

Overview of the unusual general meeting of shareholders of 2017

Overview of the unusual general meeting of shareholders of 2017 (cont.)

The unusual general meeting of shareholders of 2017 was to seek opinions of shareholders to approve the listing of the company's shares on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE). Attending the meeting were 147 shareholders, representing more than 92.5% of the voting shares of the company. At the Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Executives Officers summarized the Company's management and business activities in the past few years as well as set out the Company's new development strategy in the period 2018 - 2021.

Attending the meeting are Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung – Chairman of Board of Directors (the first from left) and other executives of Hung Thinh Incons

Mr. Tran Tuu – General Director (the first from right and other executives of Hung Thinh Incons

Ms. Pham Thi Hong Hoa – Deputy General Director of Hung Thinh Incons (Head of Finance) reports on the result of shareholder status checking

In the meeting, several crucial issues including the list of nominees for the Board of Chairmen, Board of Secretaries, and Board of Scrutineers as well as the agenda and the working regulations of the meeting were discussed and officially approved.

Board of Chairmen: (from left)
Mr. Le Hong Viet – Member of the Board of Directors;
Mr. Nguyen Van Cuong - Member of the Board of Directors;
Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung - Chairman of Board of Directors;
Mr. Tran Tuu - Member of the Board of Directors, General Director;
Mr. Vo Van Thu – Head of Board of Supervisors

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung - Chairman of Board of Directors delivers the opening speech

Mr. Nguyen Van Cuong - Member of the Board of Directors reports on the performance of the Board of Directors

Mr. Tran Tuu - General Director reports on the business results in 2017 and the development orientation of the company in the next 5 years

Mr. Le Hong Viet - Member of the Board of Directors delivers the reports at the meeting

Ms. Vu Thi Gai - Head of Scrutineers introduces the voting procedures

Mr. Nguyen Chan Tam – Permanent Deputy General Director and
Ms. Pham Thi Hong Hoa – Deputy General Director of Hung Thinh Incons (Head of Finance)
gives flowers and has photos taken with members of the Board of Directors

Mr. Le Hong Viet gives flowers and has photos taken with members of the Board of Supervisors

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung - Chairman of Board of Directors and Mr. Nguyen Van Cuong - Member of the Board of Directors
give flowers and have photos taken with members of the Board of Directors of Hung Thinh Incons

Shareholders vote at the General Meeting (cont.)

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung (second from right) and Mr. Tran Tuu (on the right) preside over the discussion at the meeting

Shareholders discuss at the meeting

Shareholders discuss at the meeting

Shareholders vote at the meeting

Shareholders vote at the meeting (cont.)

Shareholders vote at the meeting (cont.)

The unusual general meeting of shareholders of 2017 ended with the high consensus of shareholders. This event marked the milestone in the development of Hung Thinh Incons. With the plans announced at the meeting, it can be said that Hung Thinh Incons has officially entered a new phase of development – integrity and sustainability.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Long - Head of the Secretariats reads the draft of the Minutes and the resolution of the Unusual General Meeting of Shareholders

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung - Chairman of Board of Directors delivers the final statement


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